New Orders And Claims Of Transmission

I mentioned that i wish there was an order like “The Irish Order of Thelema” in a Swedish version (degrees connected to culture, history and the land + the law of liberty) and got the response that i should found one.

Fact is, i once did found an order that survived and initiated for years (even in my absence). It was meant as a Hermetic order including the GD techniques but also several other traditions. It had a degree system inspired in part by the Scottish Rite (though the rituals where unique to it) and in part on the tree of life.

(Me and one other person still has charters to the Ordo Arcanae as it was called).

I noticed a “wee” problem that i had suspected.

Many orders (i am initiated to quite a few) have a founding myth that is sometimes taken too literally and they seem to want to make claims on tranference that on closer inspection just isnt there (to me a charter is a charter, no charter is no charter).

I avoided that and got the feeling that the order would have been more popular (not that that was a goal) if it seemed as ancient as much of its content and if i pretended to have a lineage to a lot of other historical or semi historical societies.

If simply having a member initiated to several high degrees and such of defunct orders was enough (say a GD 5-6) i could claim a “lineage” to the Bavarian Illuminati, Memphis / Misraim, Royal Arch, The Odd Fellow FLT degrees, certain (contemporary) templar degrees, Rocicrucianism, The Golden Dawn, Several Swedish degrees,  some neo druidic degrees , AND John the Baptist, Apostles John, Peter and James (i dont).

So could almost anyone by extension if they are initiated to any mystery school (if nothing else since that one will claim such a lineage).

How hard would you say it would be to have a newly founded order get traction and what would be its major obstacles?