Masonic Initiation Rituals and Mormon Temple Ceremonies

I have been trying to explain this for decades (me also being an initiate of several lodges and other initiatory bodies + having recieved the LDS endowment once upon a time).

The few liknesses between (especially) The Royal Arch and the Nauvoo Endowment (LDS Temple Ritual) are smaller than many think and the history where Masonry and Mormonism meets often obscured.

Ps: No obligations are broken in the video to Freemasonry or Endowment and it is not meant as proselytatization. Purely academic comparison).

Ankhafnakhonsu Esoterica

In my conversations with various practitioners in recent weeks the subject of initiation has come up on a regular basis. From magickal groups that are actively organizing graded material, covens of witches, lodges of Freemasons to solitary eclectic students of occultism this subject is one that touches on all, or almost all of the different systems of spiritual attainment. Yet in spite of its near universality across disciplines it remains one of the most controversial and often misunderstood concepts of occult practices.

Part of the reason for this is because in many disciplines the meaning of initiation is not clear. The O.E.D. defines initiation as the action of beginning, entering upon, or ‘starting’ something; the fact of being begun; beginning, commencement, originating. It also ascribes the definition of Formal introduction by preliminary instruction or initial ceremony into some position, office, or society, or to knowledge of or participation in…

View original post 2,364 more words

Glam Rock, New Wave, Visual Kei, Make Up And Frills

People having opinions about “Visual Kei” must have forgotten about the 70´s-80´s “Glam Rock, New Romance” and “New Wave” when the hairspray formed into a thick fog and mascara had a tendency to “disappear” from moms or girlfriends.

The 80´s “Sleeze Rock” also had its share of it.

Adam Ant (above) was/is my favorite!

David Bowie, Marc Bolan (T-Rex) and Hanoi Rocks, Mötley Crue….

Bands like Malice Mizer and Seremedy (below) are merely following a tradition as old as rock itself.

As a matter of fact, androgyny was even part of the 1920´s jazz scene…… if it upsets you…..????




Bowie, Yohio, Rock And Androgyny

Having seen some reactions from the more primitive parts of the common peasantry about the fact that guitarist Yohio wears a dress.

THIS is the cover of David Bowies “The Man Who Sold The World”, released 1970. Seen by many as the start of “Glam Rock”.

Conclusion: NOTHING has happened among the troglodytes since the 70´s and Rock´N Roll can still upset the preconditoned mind.

Mission accomplished!

Yohio Gif By:

A great article and adressing things close to my heart!

Living in a country full of lodges (Sweden) and being an initiate of several, both Magical and Fraternal, i have often wondered why it seems so impossible for new ones to form?

I sometime think people are obsessed with lineages or the feeling of antiquity (wich seldom holds up to historical scrutiny anyway) rather than focusing on the “results” of potential new orders.

I have a great love for the “lodge model” of doing things and think formal,ceremonial initiation does indeed make a difference sometimes played down by many solitairy practicians.

When performed well and within a functioning order that is (this goes for Coven,Grove, Circle, Temple or whatever other term is used for an initiatory body too ofcourse).

Having said that, ofcourse any initiating organization would have to be in the know themselves when it comes to the system it teaches and initiates in.

Besides, just like the lodge idea has in history been used for a lot of purposes, so it could today. The idea is not only useful for people interested in magic but for anyone agreeing that a picture says more than a thousand words.

Imagine how much a picture in 3D, talking, walking, instructing, and presenting a whole landscape of symbolism, isolated from everyday life and to a large part interpreted by the canidate him/herself would be.

Then add the fact that a lot of the interpreting is done on a “deeper” level since allegory and symbols are among the main tools. The canidate being the main character and acted upon in tune with this symbolism.

All of this “reintegrated” to everyday life both during and after the ceremony.

I know orders for actors, choir singers, temperence activists, local historians, artists and many others in my country, all of them still active and having regular lodge meetings with officers, initiations and other ceremonies.

Still, i find myself strangely lonely in my passion for this???

An Apology

I feel i might have been a bit sloppy and angry when i was writing a post on certain tendensies within SOME US Asatru..

It was in a period when i was feeling more or less bombarded with strange sentiments, incorrect history and weird oppinions.
The post was meant to reflect on a certain video and and their ilk and not “mainstream” (in lack of a better term) US Heathenry but i can see how it came across like a general
elitist abrasiveness.
Placing a picture on there without making clear that this kindred was NOT implied in the critizism was downright stupid.
The picture was really meant to illustrate that some Heathens DO wear historical clothing, but NOT in a “LARPy” way.
Some do in Sweden too (besides, i have nothing against LARPs or re enactement. I have LARPed for years myself).
Since then i have written a post on some things about US Asatru that i like and admire (and that sometimes are missing here ).

Neither post, ofcourse, is “general”. Nobody could write a post on Heathenry or Heathens anywhere that covered all Kindreds or individuals.

It is merely my oppinions or observations and might be totally incorrect or unfair.

Heathenry ,being orthoprax, there are all kinds of oppinions, traditions and “flavors” of it.

Historically that would be the case too, with farms, villages or groups having the same basic traditions, but with variations suited to them (even looking at Iceland and Sweden is enough to see that there where some differences in how things where done. Heathenry has varied in praxis with region as well as  time ).

I should also repeat what i have alredy said, any complaints (whining) i have are not about any Heathen community in general, that is, it is not meant to mean the majority of Heathens anywhere (and neither would i prefer Heathenry to be identical everywhere. That would go against it´s nature)but certain tendensies that bugged me at the time.

I know several kindreds (Asatru and Anglo-Saxon) in the US that i respect and like a lot and who obviously does something that works very well.

I also know a whole bunch of nutcases in Scandinavia using Heathen symbolism but who would not get any sympathies from most Heathens anywhere.

I do however sometimes come across all from simple difference of oppinion (wich is as it should be) to people getting upset with me for thinking Fenris worship is unhistorical.

There was a period when my feeling was that “my” culture was up for grabs and could be presented anyway anyone pleased without anyone speaking up.

As if Scandinavian (and other Norse) history was a matter of personal agenda and taste.

This is fine in art but not if presented as history (for instance) .

As a matter of fact i was even told once (on the web) that me, being European (actually the term used was “white”), had no right to complain about anything and should “shut up”.

If anyone feels that my whining doesent fit them at all, it is probably because it doesent.

I have stated before that the majority of US Heathens are just that, Heathens that happen to live in the US.

There are regional differences in Heathenry even within (todays) Sweden and there always have been.

It is quite common to see “What is your Sed (custom)”, in writing here, indicating that differences are expected.

There are traditions within families or individual traditions too (as i suspect there are everywhere).

There ARE people wearing viking age clothes here too and there are also Blóts where the presiding/officiating Godi is wearing special garb.

I must say i feel stupid for posting pictures in a way that could be understood as if the people on them where the ones i whined about.

I have practiced thinking twice since i wrote this in an attempt to avoid lashing out at the wrong people.

I am really sorry for any offence!
I have taken down the post and hope frith will be restored.


I wonder what happened at Nov 13:th???

I had over 5000 visitors to the blog that day (paranoia setting in).

Also, Swedish people have begun reading this blog.

I have had a way of seeing this blog as a way to be “open” and “private” at the same time as no Swedes (with a few exeptions) looked at it anyway.

I guess i have no right to feel ambivalent about that, nobody forced me to publish anything after all.

Sorry for not being “around” for a while.

My laptop had a total meltdown and a havent gotten around to buying a new computer (got my eyes on one though).

As it is now i´m writing from the library.



I remember when the Library was a place for reading books , and if you chose not to, you still had to shut the fuck up.
The worst offenders are the librarians .
Since my computer is broken i sit here in Skillingaryd library trying to read about archeology ,Socrates ,Ancient Levantine Iconography  but i might as well be reading at a pub.
No wonder people are such idjits!