What a night!

Almost like being back in the city.

I WAS in Jönköping witch is at least fairly big.

Dancing every muscle in my body even more sore than they where from lifting girls in Lindy Hop.

Being offered a blowjob by a gay guy who liked that i was wearing a kilt.

Being befriended by skinsheads (SHARP skins = anti racist original skins) and punks.



Almost ending up in a fight with the smallest, scrawniest skinhead i have ever seen.

As oposed to his friends he had a problem with me wearing a kilt and if you step up to my face, wearing Dr Martens (like me) ands a shaved head i dont care if you are drunk OR scrawny.

I do however want to keep a sort of friendship with the SHARPs since like them (always did).

I met one of them again today in the silly little hamlet where i live.

The one with all the piercings and tattos…..who is bi sexual and took a peek under my kilt.

I was on my way to root canal at the dentist so by now i´m numb everywhere…almost.

Btw: A lot of dance steps used by skins while dancing to Ska music (SHARPs) is similar to that of Swing and Charleston (Ska, like Charleston is in 2 beat)

At times Jönköping feels almost like a real town!


If only it wasnt impossible to get to and from it when you live in the pile of snow i´m enjoying.

Last bus at weekends leaves at 2am.The bars close then to witch should seem perfect, unless you want to stay iout longer (and perhaps you´re not sure if you´re going home).

Sure it IS a town but has just as much of smalltown feel as metropol.

Now that my dance instructor messed up things and so on it left me with nothing to do.

Who would have known i would one day find myself without friends and without anything to activate me.

Instead i´ve got this.

Skillingaryd Photo: http://unknown666.blogg.se/

Gothenburg – Skillingaryd

I might speak alot along the lines of longing and that is since some years now i´m living in a little crap town (3000 inhabitants), a place i moved to for economical and practical reasons but dont belong in even a little bit.

My hometown

I come from Gothenburg on the Swedish westcoast, seagulls, goths, kinky clubs, secret fraterneties and a busy nightlife is my thing. I belong in a very social and urban sphere.   The reasons for why i moved here are in some cases still holding me here since moving would risk me losing what took me years to gain. As it is now i sit here in the dung, seeing the time go by and other peoples lives going on (on the web). Getting to the closest town is a whole adventure too, and the nightbus leaves for home at 2 am, clubs close at the same time (in Gothenburg i took the FIRST tram home, or wherever the case maight be, more often than not). I miss punkrockers, vampire LARPers, fetishists and people who are not wearing clothes solely to not be naked.

If i hear a snicker i will head butt you! Cafe´to the right, booze store to the left.

Style, exentrics, panache´, possabilities. The city is my element. Nighlife, meatings, music and beer. NOT pitchforks, children with webbed fingers and banjo´s (even if one could partly think so, the forks and fingers at least).